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Frances Rompas in her studio.jpg

What separates human beings from the rest of the living natural world is their incredible ability to understand the language of video.

So Frances is actually a biologist, but learned to work with video way earlier at public broadcaster BNN. Too curious not to explore the science of life she obtained a BSc in Biology at Utrecht University and a MSc degree in Environmental Sciences at VU Amsterdam.

Working as a DJ in Berlin and building dadaistic festival experiences in the hedo-underground Frances is ever fascinated by the human tendencies to exploit vs. nurture their environment for enjoyment. This tension between hedonism and the natural environment is a limitless source in her artistic work.

Her visual language shows a bigger picture. Framing sensitivity, complexity, non-linearity, and scaling her subjects against immensely vast landscapes.

Applying idealism to video is her way of coping with today, and to activate social change.



Frances' art projects have an essayistic nature and often involve artistic research. She sees arts’ ability of including emotion into knowledge is essential to unravel complex planetary issues. 


Her art projects received generous support from:

Mondriaan Fonds

Nederlands Filmfonds

K.F. Hein Fonds

Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie

Gemeente Leiden

Amsterdamse Fonds voor de Kunsten



Frances is available for video related projects on commission. She is specialised in combining her academic background in environmental sciences with creative visual storytelling. Over 8 years of applied promotional video experience, a teaching position at MBO Media Design in Hilversum, and awarded a yearlong talent grant from Stimuleringsfonds, have made her an in-depth professional to develop strategic video campaigns. She only accepts client projects that aspire a sustainable, social or cultural vision. 


Museum De LakenhalUniversiteit Utrecht -Gaudeamus - Vandejong Creative Agency

GroenLinks - De Gezonde Stad

Let It GrowThe Art Of Impact

Amsterdam Economic Board - Waardevol

De Nijverheid - Gemeente Amsterdam

Uncloud - De Plaatsmakers





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Video artist and filmmaker Frances Rompas combines her academic background in environmental sciences with creative visual storytelling to develop strategic video campaigns. 

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